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Rebel Links

Below are some useful links to other Web sites that will also help you with taking care of your garden, or most other landscaping needs that you may have.

580 WDBO - Listen to the Garden Rebel show Sat. mornings from 6:06- 7:00 AM - I love telling all of my landscape clients about Winter Garden Grassing as they are a Florida native company and have a great reputation. They have all types of grass and you can have it delivered or if you just need a little bit then you can go and pick it up from their Ocoee location! If Sims Landscape did your landscape, then go the extra step and purchase your sod from Winter Garden Grassing as they too are a quality company. - Dog Charity





Garden Rebel tm       

Sims Landscaping Co. 

Sorrento, Fl. 32776


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